As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve hit crunch time when it comes to potty-training. It’s July already and the little man is slated to attend montessori in September. But he’ll only be allowed to if he’s fully potty-trained. So I’ve been employing several strategies. I bought him three different potty books. I’ve been relocating the potty chair to whatever room he’s hanging out in. And I’ve had him run about the house bottomless, so he can fully experience the range of his natural bodily functions. Despite his genuine interest in one of the potty books (the most insipid of the lot, naturally - the one that persists in the use of words like pee-pee, wee-wee, and poo-poo) he has failed to, er, produce results. Until now. The daycare director just called. The little man peed on the potty today. A lot. And he seemed to know what he was doing. Woo-hoo! I realize I shouldn’t get my hopes up just yet, but this is certainly a morale booster.