Each time the question was posed to me this morning, I dismissed it with the polite “it was fine” or a non-commital “awright”. But how was my weekend? Really? Let me break it down.
The good: We had decent end-of-summer weather all weekend. I got acquainted with my new camera (photos coming soon). Had some quality time with the little man. Finished reading the Goblet of Fire. Finished re-reading the last two Earthsea books. Got in a bubble bath or two. Made some yummy french toast, with fresh strawberries. Watched some good movies. Met friends for brunch, one of whom was only in town for the weekend.
The bad: We arrived to said breakfast early, while our friends were a tad late. The little man refused to sit down, before and after we’d eaten, so we had to cut our visit short. On the way home the car’s “check engine” light came back on. On the way back from the playground the other day the neighbors accosted me (the branches of my beautiful black walnut trees hang over their driveway, covering three of their many cars with debris). The neighborhood coffee shop was closed all weekend. Sunday morning I resorted to instant coffee (my stomach is cramping up, just thinking of it). At one point we were lounging in my room. I was reading as the little man started poking around my stuff. Somehow he got a hold of a giant red permanent marker (I have no idea where that came from). I stopped him after he’d already marked up part of one wall. Doh. The other morning he also saw fit to dump the contents of my bag, including every scrap of paper from my wallet, while I was taking a bath. All weekend I neglected most household chores. Wanted to take the trash out, but had nowhere to put it. Last Thursday the waste removal folks came by. Instead of removing my trash, they dumped it on my boulevard and removed the container it had been in. Even though I had just paid my bill a few days prior to that. I’ve left messages and not received a response yet. But I was left with the fun of cleaning up my trash and sticking it in my backyard. My computer crashed any time I went near it. Last night there was a mouse (of the rodent variety) in my brand new bag of potato chips. Luckily it wasn’t at my house.
The ugly: This migraine. That I still have. That I’ve had since Saturday. That laughs in the face of ibuprofen. At times it’s been so intense that moving my head just a little causes that railroad-spike-through-the-skull sensation…and I nearly throw up. This problem was greatly exacerbated when the little man accidentally, but with great force, threw my bedroom door open…causing it to connect soundly with my head. Specifically my left temple. Just where the migraine is most concentrated.