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Momming The Mom

I thank my lucky stars for the close friends I’ve got. Today one in particular, goddess that she is, gave me some practical advice that may seem obvious…but I was in such pain it never would have occurred to me. Here it is.
#1: Eat something filling for lunch
#2: Go buy Excedrin Migraine
#3: Take said Excedrin
#4: Feel better
I’m generally reluctant to take any medication, even over the counter. And when I do it’s usually ibuprofen…which wasn’t doing the trick this time. But I followed my friend’s advice and it actually worked. To a certain degree, anyhow. I can now turn my head without feeling the hot pokers through my eyes. And the throbbing in my temple has stopped. I’m still queasy, but much improved. The other thing about this…I’d done some quick googling to find that Excedrin Extra Strength and Excedrin Migraine contain exactly the same ingredients, so the Migraine labelling is just a marketing ploy. Wacky. Luckily we had some of the former in the office.