Now I’m thoroughly frustrated. The bloodmobile came down to my office today. For years I’ve been wanting to give blood. I know the need firsthand. Over the nine months my brother was hospitalized he had many, many blood and plasma transfusions. So I’ve long known I should donate. But one thing or another came up. For a while I was under the minimum weight requirement (no longer a problem). Then I had tattoos and/or piercings and there is a waiting period afterwards. Despite the body modifications, I have the typical dislike of other types of needles, which has given me pause. Then I was pregnant. Post-baby I’ve found myself frequently ill, picking up whatever bug goes around the daycare. But this time around I saw the blood drive notice and was like, yeah, I need to do that. So I scheduled a time. Followed the recommended guidelines. Went through all the paperwork. The blood draw itself went surprisingly well. But. There’s always a but. When my temp was taken it was 99.1. My temp is usually on the low side. I’d been thinking I was just suffering from my usual hayfever, but as the afternoon has worn on I think I may be ill. In which case I’ll have to call tomorrow to have them destroy my blood. And it will all have been a big waste. Of time, for one thing. The whole process took over an hour. But even more troublesome it could be a good deed gone bad. If my blood is infected with some viral bug and given to someone, it could make them even more ill. Ugh. At least I know now that I can go through with it, I guess. And hopefully I’ll be well next time the bloodmobile swings by.