Back to our regularly scheduled programming. Except that won’t include a fresh episode of Buffy tonight. Sigh. It’s so early in the season…so why do we have to endure repeats already? This is only going to make the week drag. At least Halloween will help break things up. It’s always been my favorite holiday. I no longer dress up, but I’m excited about the little man’s monkey costume (and he seems to be as well). He’ll be coming down to my office kiddie party, and attending a party at pre-school too. He should be good and sugared up by the end of the day. At which point he’ll assist me in doling out goodies to the neighborhood kids. We generally get between 75 and 100 (unless I’m a bit slow, and the bulk of them are repeat visitors), so I have to make sure we are well stocked. Went down on my lunch break today and spent $25 on candy and decorations and whatnot. I was trudging along, carrying the goodie-laden bags back to the office, when I encountered this crazy old woman. I’ve seen her frequently downtown. She’s usually shouting something or other that I assume makes sense to her, and her alone. Today was no different. She saw me coming and, to my horror, started pointing at me. Why me? There were all sorts of other people around. And so pointing at me, she started shouting “Look at Gorgeous Annie! Gorgeous! Annie! Gorrrrrrrrr-geous!” in a booming voice. Umm, all right then. Hopefully that won’t be the highlight of my day. But it has proven to be the most interesting occurrence thus far. How sad.