Weird weekend. We didn’t leave the house. At all. Which isn’t the worst…but I wasn’t terribly productive while homebound. As I wound up feeling fairly ill. But I still managed to enjoy myself. Most of the time. Kept myself distracted by finishing one and nearly another of the Jonathan Carroll novels I picked up. And J got me totally hooked on Invader Zim. I’d heard of the show, but had never before experienced the glory of it…as I’ve been mostly cable-free, intentionally, as an adult. Had it hooked up for a six month stretch, but that was only to appease a former roommate. Note the word former. Anyhow, I try to limit our television/video intake. But wound up giving in to the little man far too often this weekend. I felt too sick and weak to put up much of a fight. And he’s figured out how to work the DVD player’s remote. I tried to vary his selections a bit, at least. Instead of all Monsters, Inc. all the time, I popped in the “Iron Giant” and Schoolhouse Rock. But because of the latter, I had the pronoun song in my head all night. Especially between midnight and 4am. When I should have been sleeping. But wasn’t. Due to an unfortunate alarm clock accident. The electricity in the house, especially my bedroom, is a bit flaky. The power blips on and off occasionally, causing the need to reset the clock. Which was half-done the other day. The time was corrected, but the alarm was left to its default setting. I’d gone to bed early. Without thinking to check it, I just flipped the switch to set the alarm. And collapsed into a deep deep sleep. So I was thoroughly confused when jarred awake around midnight, by the voice of a BBC announcer. Doh. Couldn’t fall asleep again for several hours. Read a bit, all the time with “Now I have a friend named Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla…” replaying itself in the back of my head. Ugh. Need more sleep. And less Schoolhouse Rock.