I’m opting out of my department’s afternoon field trip. Earlier we had a potluck lunch together (with a suprising variety of yummy vegan foods). And soon a large group of folks will be off to see The Two Towers. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve long been wanting to see it. The trailer gave me goosebumps. But I’d like to see it with J, for one thing. And for another…I am severely missing my monkey. Recently I’ve attended a few holiday-ish social functions, resulting in extra time away from the little man. So tonight will be all about him. Which means picking him up from pre-school and heading straight home. Where there will be play time and bath time. And after dinner I’m planning a pile-up on our favorite comfy chair. Usually I sit down first, then the little man climbs on to my lap. Then one of the cats (Princess Jasmine) curls up wherever she can squeeze in. Once we’re settled in I shift the chair into reclining mode. Sometimes one or two or all three of us will fall asleep. Ah, bliss. Until then I’ve been looking at photos of the little man and smiling. And fighting a strong urge to fingerpaint.