Well, another month has passed. And the new one begins badly. With the terrible news of the space shuttle. And the threat of war still looming. But today also marks Chinese New Year…which is “a time for people to pay their debts and focus on ‘all the good things about life’ in the year ahead”. So today I tried to focus on spending time with my guys. We managed to have some fun…though each of us battled with bouts of crankiness. And clutziness. The little man and I started out the day by dancing (still listening to the Monsoon Wedding sountrack). And coloring. I washed some laundry. J made nummy fluffy blueberry pancakes. Then the three of us headed out. Along the way we passed something strange. J was driving, and suggested I snap a photo - from the car - as he was pulling away. Nuh-uh. Instead I whined incessantly and badgered the poor man. Until he turned around. And parked the car. And I was able to get out and properly photograph the oddity…in all it’s glory. It was worth it (to me at least). There are some things you can’t help but smile at.

Then we went on to the Walker Art Center’s family day…though we arrived a bit late, and the little man is still a tad young for some of the activities. So we mostly went wandering. Around one of the galleries, then in the humid conservatory. Afterwards we stopped by the Tea Garden so I could partake of a tapioca pearl-laden beverage. Then we swung by another co-op (not one of our usuals) as they carry the divine WholeSoy GlacĂ© frozen dessert, whereas the other co-ops around town are too clueless to do so. Now back at home we’ve been eating and lounging. All in all, not a bad start to the month. For us.