I like to feel somewhat prepared Sunday evenings…so that Monday mornings aren’t quite so dreadful. Last night I was feeling like I was on top of things. The lunches were packed. Clean clothes laid out. Cell phone and camera batteries were recharged. But I’d failed to take mother nature into account. I remember thinking how pretty the snow looked last night, clinging to the trees. And that maybe it might take me a little longer than usual to get to work in the morning. But damn. It started with the shovelling. Of the heavy, wet snow. I only made a narrow walkway from the front steps to the car, but even that took much longer than expected. Then the car became stuck in slush as soon as I backed out into the street. Couldn’t go forward, up the slight grade (it’s hardly a hill), to save my life. Wound up backing up, turning around, and going around the block. Then we plodded on at a snail’s pace to the preschool. That drive took at least three times longer than usual. Dodging bad drivers and snow plows all along the way. At least the little man and I had plenty of time to talk. About Buzz Lightyear. And sledding. And Buzz Lightyear. And Woody. And did I mention Buzz Lightyear? Once the monkey was safely settled in at school I attempted to continue on with the last leg of my journey. But the car became hopelessly mired in slush. I was unable to move forward or backwards. Unable to get any traction, just spinning my wheels. I was beginning to lose all hope. And to seriously consider ditching the car and hopping on a bus. When a kind passerby offered assistance and helped push my car out into the street. (Thanks guy, whoever you are.) The only problem being the jerks zooming past. None would slow down to let me in. Once I finally got going I avoided the side streets and made my way to the freeway. After what felt like hours of slow and go I eventually made it to the office. And was actually relieved to have done so. Still, the trees were awfully pretty.