Needed a double mocha this morning to make me feel human again. Not quite as strong as trucker speed, but close. I’ve been dropping about $150/week at the co-op, and have still failed to replenish my personal coffee supply. Go figure. But even with the caffeine in my bloodstream, I’m still feeling the wear and tear of yesterday’s rollercoaster ride. The day started out well enough. I arrived at the office to find Happy Friday! signs posted in the elevator bay…and two women from office management riding up and down in one of the elevators, along with a table piled high with breakfast food and beverages. Naturally the work day had nowhere to go but down after that. Missing and/or conflicting information and confused communication caused consecutive headaches. The day was anything but happy. Eventually I fled, to meet J for dinner. The little man was having his own evening out with grandma, so we took advantage of the free time to catch a movie. Unfortunately our first choice, Cowboy Bepop, was sold out. But plenty of seats were available for the runner-up, “Bend it like Beckham“, and it turned out to be the very thing I needed. It was sort of John Hughes meets “Monsoon Wedding“. And managed to pull me out of my funk. Temporarily. The good mood lasted long enough to retrieve the little man, but dissipated on the drive home. The weather’s turned nasty again, and glare ice on the roads made for a white-knuckle drive. It didn’t help that we had two cars, and that J was tailgating me the last leg of the journey. Especially as my tires seem to have less traction than his. Fishtailing downhill is not my idea of fun. On the bright side, we made it home safe and sound after all. And today is Saturday. And now it’s about time to get back to some serious lounging…interspersed with various chores, meals, and monkey-cuddling.