I wonder if the previous owners of my house ever drive by. If they do, they must shake their heads in disgust at how badly I’ve let the yard go. It’s like Wild Kingdom out there. I don’t foresee it improving any time soon…but J did borrow his Dad’s chainsaw. In an attempt to force back the advancing armies of scrub trees that have sprouted up everywhere…through the fence, in the sandbox, next to the house, through the porch, etc. But they are ferocious foes…several times in their last stand did they cause the chain to fall off of said chainsaw. Yet amidst all this chaos there is beauty. I’m particularly taken with the wildflowers that have popped up…called Dames Rocket. Hopefully this year J will refrain from mowing them down as he cuts the grass (thank you J). And when we’ve gotten our strength up, perhaps we’ll wage a war on the weeds. Btw, don’t you just love how I use the collective “we” when I really mean just J? Yeah, he loves it too.