My earlier fears were not unfounded. It *was* one of those days. Not a complete loss, mind you. But still. I had it in my head that taking the boys to the Dragon Festival would be fun for the whole family. There’s much I would have liked to have seen, but the little man and J have similar tolerance levels for these sorts of events…next to nil. So I stuck to the plan of going in for the Taiko drumming, then getting out as soon as things got ugly. It didn’t take long. We started out a tidge on the cranky side. The only available parking was a good hike from the festival. No problem I thought, it was a nice day and we’d left early. But the Taiko drumming that was supposed to start at 3pm seemed to have kicked in early. How early we don’t know, but it was in full swing when we stumbled along at 2:50pm. I found it that much more vexing, as their schedule seemed so precise…with other performances slated for 12:58, 1:05, 1:12, 1:32 and so on. Oh well. The portion of the performance we did see put our minds off of it. Afterwards we found a playground area so the little man could burn off some excess energy. He may have burned off too much, though. We had to cajole and carry the cranky child on the journey back…very much like dragging a cat on a leash. Not a surprise he fell asleep early this evening. There’s more Taiko drumming tomorrow (allegedly at 12:05) but I think we’ll skip it.