This morning I awoke to see my son, my sunshine, light of my life…emerging from the computer room, with a screwdriver in hand and a smile on his face. I quickly snatched the screwdriver away and rushed into the room. So far I haven’t detected any damage, to the little man or to the computers. Only time will tell. A little while later I was cleaning in the kitchen. Stepped back into the dining room to check on the lad to find that he’d been busy…adding some salt and fresh ground pepper to mommy’s morning coffee. I fear it’s going to be one of those days. Must be cosmic retribution for his excellent behavior yesterday. The two of us took a two-hour boat ride down the Mississippi River. I expected the worst but was pleasantly surprised by how mellow and relaxed he was. Not once was I afraid he was going to jump in. Nor did he run around the decks, wreaking havoc. There was a large school group handling that angle. Instead he calmly sat by my side for the first leg of the tour, in a cabin near the stern. For the second leg we stood quietly on one of the lower decks, with the breeze in our faces. It was lovely. Go figure.