The construction work going on next door is getting on my nerves. First a large hole was dug out in the ground and left unattended for months. The neighborhood hooligans were drawn to that like moths to a flame, of course. They threw a variety of ill-gotten goods into the pit, including sad little bikes with the training wheels still attached. Eventually the workers came back to clean out the pit and the foundation was laid…then left unattended for a couple more weeks, surrounded by heaps of dirt and gravel. This brought back the hoodlums. Some set up jumps for their dirt bikes. Others set off bottle rockets. And one irritating little punk urinated, in broad daylight, to the amusement and delight of his cohorts. Now, don’t think I’m some crazy little homebound cat lady or something. I am not watching the lot next door 24/7, with binoculars in hand. I don’t even own binoculars. It’s just that this is the view from my kitchen window. Or was, rather. The workmen have returned…and seem to be making up for lost time. This week they’ve been at it from 7am - 7pm every day. With lots of shouting and pounding and power tools. And the constant beep-beep-beeping of large vehicles backing up and the thick stink of diesel fuel hanging in the air. Suddenly there is the shell of a two story house next to mine. And the view from my kitchen window has all but been obliterated.