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Digging For Fire

The little man had another excellent birthday party…despite the fact that two of his fairy godmothers are out of town, and none of the children who were invited were able to show. He was having so much fun I doubt he noticed. Every year I’m amazed by the gifts he receives, because of both quantity and quality. The boy made quite the haul. I think the husband and I may have just as much fun with the new toys as he will. And thankfully one pair of our dear friends opted for the Play-Doh set instead of a drum set (thank you thank you thank you). Not that I want to discourage the boy’s creativity and potential musical talent. It’s just that, at this point in time, restraint and good judgment aren’t among his many virtues. So it’s understandable that the husband and I are wary of waking up to a drum kit cacophony each morning. Speaking of the husband, he came through again on the dessert front with his mad good chocolate cupcakes. They were a huge hit and several were sent home with guests. After nearly everyone had gone the remainder of our group retired to the deck. To get some fresh air and play with the elements. Fire and bubbles. All right, so bubble liquid isn’t exactly an element…but it contains a good deal of water. After a time we came back inside, only to have the little man pass out on the couch, surrounded by his latest loot. I’m sure it will keep him busy all of tomorrow…and beyond.