My beautiful boy is four years old today. We kicked the day off with an unsual breakfast…of leftover Vietnamese takeout (it was his idea, honest). Mmmm, tofu and potatoes. Then we headed to Lake Calhoun…to throw rocks in it. It’s his new favorite pastime. Perhaps I’ll have the husband teach him to skip stones on his fifth birthday. After the stone-throwing we made a quick stop at the co-op to restock the basics (apples, bananas, bread). Thankfully the child-sized shopping cart was available (day or night he often begs to go to the co-op, so he can push the little red cart around the store) so no meltdowns ensued, this time. I do spend less money shopping this way…first, as I have to chase after the boy as he comes perilously close to mowing down other shoppers and co-op employees. But also because not as much food fits in the cart (a little less than would fit in a hand basket). This afternoon we’ve spent back at home base, to play with the new swag. Unfortunately several of the toys have been broken since Saturday, but a few items may be repairable. And we’ve been resting up a bit before the birthday extravaganza continues. This evening we’re eating out with the little man’s godless-parents, always an exciting event for all involved. But we never did have any sort of ceremony when they were named as such, come to think of it. We’ll have to work on that. Maybe we’ll cook up a plan over dinner, even if it is four years after the fact. I’ll let yawl know, in case you’re planning on raising any heathen children of your own. I highly recommend it.