A strange day. Drove out, far and away, to apply for a part-time job…in person. On the way some yahoo in front of me had a lameass sticker affixed to their car. Wanted to snap a photo of it, but thought it might be a bad idea to try it at 65mph. So I’ll describe instead…it was a small rectangular sticker, orange in color, with the outline of the U.S. on it. In large letters it read: USA, Terrorist Hunting Permit# 091101. Puke. At last the driver and I parted ways, and I arrived at the HR office. Stopped by the ladies room, as it had been a long drive, and noticed this strange plaque. That doesn’t look like health between those disembodied hands, it looks like cottage cheese! After mulling over that for a moment I marched onwards…to dutifully fill out the paperwork provided me. It’s not a very high paying position, but has the potential to be both interesting and enjoyable. And we could certainly use the extra cash. But my hopes fell a bit as I handed back the completed forms. I decided to ask the HR person how many applicants there had been for this one position. She nonchalantly replied, “oh, about fifty”. Doh.