I guess I’m in mild panic mode. This afternoon I hung out with one of my sisters-in-law, to make last minute arrangements for my impending wedding reception. I can’t believe how much has been left undone until now. Sure, we had some valid excuses. We’ve been sick. The in-laws have been out of town. The planets haven’t been aligned. Or something. But this reception isn’t going to get ready all by itself. Today I managed to make some headway…though food still needs to be ordered, mix CDs made, and other minutiae addressed. We are ordering bulk flowers and arranging them ourselves, which will save a buttload of money. I’ve narrowed down the flowers I like best for fall, but will have to ask the experts for some advice…to ensure they’ll actually look good together. At least the tables are easy. Each one is going to have a small bud vase on it containing a single sunflower, and a votive candle, bistro style. Also ordered the party favors…brit-style party crackers. They aren’t the fanciest out there, but they are the most affordable that don’t look like ass. Afterwards I enjoyed a small feeling of satisfaction. Which I promptly ruined by continuing to surf around…thus making some odd impulse purchases at Amazon, of all places. For my Dad (for xmas) I bought a book I totally want, but know he’ll like, called Scorched Art: The Incendiary Aesthetic of Flame Rite Zippos. And, for myself, I fell victim to Bruce Lee’s allure…as captured by Art Asylum. C’mon, look how cute it is! How could I not add that to my cart? Damn, Amazon is evil. I hadn’t been searching on anything remotely related to Bruce Lee when that item appeared on the page…in the “You Might Also Like” category. Bastards. It’s like they can see into my soul. Or something. Perhaps if I weren’t so sleepy I wouldn’t have succumbed. Sigh.