Was spammed by an ebay seller yesterday. Many months ago I’d purchased some Invader Zim DVDs from him. Now, he claims, some lost episodes have been recovered and he’s got them for sale. The husband investigated the claim. Turns out it’s legit. Six episodes aired in Brazil or somewhere, but never in the U.S. They are are as follows:
1. The Frycook from Space part 1
2. The Frycook from Space part 2
3. Vindicated
4. The voting of the Doomed
5. Mortos der Soulstealers
6. Zim eats Waffles
We are in the process of, umm, acquiring them. After the little man goes to bed (soon, very soon) we will begin viewing what we’ve got so far. I hear the quality is quite good.
In non-Zim news, the below image is of a little dragon toy…that the husband discovered in the backyard the other day (just before landing on his head). There are a number of children who either live in or frequent the duplex next door. An inordinate number of their things end up in our yard for some reason. But we seem to unearth them only after long, cruel winters, when the items in question have: faded in color; become encrusted with dirt and grime; and, most sadly deflated. Still, I quite like this dirty little dragon.