In my younger days I would sometimes go to a show every night of the week, if the stars were aligned. Or something. Even in the slower show seasons there would still be someone to see a few evenings out of every week…schoolnights be damned. But these days I’m a homebody. I’m a little pickier about who and what’s going to get me out of the house. And that’ll generally happen not more than one night per week. Which means I’m frequently faced with dilemmas. Thankfully this week’s choice is an easy one. I punked out the last time Ted Leo was in town…and I don’t mean to do it again. Tonight I’ll be having some rock’n'roll fun, heading out to see him play the Triple Rock. I’ll finally get to experience one of his much-lauded shows for myself. Unfortunately there’s another show I’d like to catch tomorrow night. The Aislers Set will be warming up the main room for oft-hyped hipsters, The Shins. But I bet I’ll be warming up my comfy chair instead.