Today has been a day of cleaning and comfort food. After I went to bed last night the husband tackled seemingly insurmountable stacks of dirty dishes (thank you sweetie). So the kitchen is in good shape, but the rest of the house could use some more work. I’ve made progress in spurts. My energy levels aren’t what they used to be, but I’ve accomplished more today than I have in, say, the last week…so that’s something. I did take a break to make the little man his lunch (he wanted cold cereal, I caved) and then to prepare mine. Mine was something that he, unfortunately, wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. But most vegans we know love the stuff. It’s a wonderful version of mac’n'cheese. I believe the recipe was originally taken from The New Farm Cookbook, but modified slightly to suit our own tastes. Some day I swear I’ll put up my own recipes page, but the closest approximation can be found here. Dinner should be just as satisfying, if not more so. After some more cleaning, and some chocolate cake-making (with chocolate ganache frosting) by the husband, some friends are coming over to celebrate his vegan anniversary. They’re bringing some homemade Chinese dishes, as well as a few from our ever favorite Evergreen.