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No Monster-storms Are Brewing For The Forseeable Future.

The weekend was pretty quiet, with most of it spent recuperating…and attempting to catch up on some badly-needed sleep. To that end we even turned the phones’ ringers off for a while. There were a few rough patches, but things seem to be smoothing themselves out. The green tea helped. Just the small amount of caffeine in it felt like a triple espresso to me. Shocked my system into alertness…for about an hour at a time. I even felt vaguely human today. Our supportive friends and family certainly have helped. Some well-wishers came by bearing food. One group with the goods from Evergreen, another from Tanpopo Noodle Shop. And they got something in return…while visiting we exposed one group to Strong Bad, the other to Mo Kin. Today folks from our ECFE class bought us a lovely fruit basket from Byerly’s. Our basic needs were met, so we only ventured away from home twice. Yesterday to retrieve a package from the post office (it was the board game Word Blind, which the husband and I both enjoy, but were really in no shape to be playing last night…it was such a sad display), and today we took a field trip to visit the brand new co-op in Northeast Minneapolis. In the world of the web, I’ve been trying to muster the energy to care about anything that doesn’t directly relate to my life…but failing miserably. Maybe after another good night’s sleep. In the mean time, one of my old travel photos was posted to Lalaland (this month’s theme is “travel diary”). That made me smile. I think that particular photo was taken the same afternoon I had both my hands dyed with henna…such that I was unable to do much that night (while it was setting). Couldn’t help prepare dinner that evening, and had to have my friend pack my bags for me…as I was leaving Morocco the next day and heading to London (by way of a convoluted route through Spain). Feels like that little adventure was a lifetime ago.

digital thermometer + meds = a rocking good time
looking worried
wondering who the heck this strange woman is shoving a camera in her face
in tent city
the kindness of strangers
coloring WAY outside the lines
coloring WAY outside the lines