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Loyal Subjects Flock To ‘rings’ Finale

I’d rush out to the first show of the day if I could…but must wait until late this afternoon. The most crucial piece of the equation…we need someone to mind the little man. Today’s celebrity co-host will be my father-in-law (thank you thank you thank you), who has to work until 3 or so. After his arrival, the husband and I will be heading across town in rush hour traffic, and picking up a friend along the way. It’s all good, though. I’ve already purchased our tickets for the last matinee of the day. I wouldn’t have minded going to last night’s midnight show…but who am I kidding? If I had been able to stay awake, I’d be totally wrecked today…trying to chase after an active four year-old on less than four hours of sleep. I am bummed that I missed the fans who dressed up, though. I seriously doubt we’ll see any today, after the film has been showing on five screens all day long. Apparently there were Gandalfs and Galadriels aplenty last night (no Orcs here, but there were some in Utah), but this next bit is straight out of The Onion. Some poor goth kid won a prize for best evil character, but protested “I’m not even wearing a costume.” And he was only vaguely Grima Wormtongue-ish, really.

photo by Joey Mcleister for Star Tribune