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That’s When The Blue Memories Start Callin’

Things that exacerbate my holiday blues:
Reminiscing about Christmases past. Particularly the year my brother came home from the hospital for the holidays, after his body had been ravaged by chemotherapy. It was to be our last Christmas together.
Folding laundry and coming across my no longer necessary maternity clothes.
The thoughts lodged in my skull at 3am, when I’m stricken by insomnia and staring at the ceiling for hours.
Things that help alleviate my holiday blues:
Laughing with my girlfriends. Peace Corps volunteers have the best stories to tell.
Sledding in the backyard with the little man.
Curling up in my comfy chair with a good book, one of the cats and/or the kidlet.
Witnessing the little man’s daily re-enactment of scenes from The Princess Bride. His pronunciation of “inconceivable” is priceless.
Stumbling out of my room this morning just in time to spoil the husband’s surprise. He was going to have the little man serve me breakfast in bed. It’s the thought that counts…but I still got to eat the pancakes.
Finding a vegan tempura batter mix and frying up buttloads of the stuff.
Things that could go either way:
Listening to Low’s languid Christmas album.
Reading world news headlines, reconfirming that things could be much worse for our little triumvirate.
Excessively listening to Elliott Smith (especially Either/Or). Hurts so good.

buddha with a cell phone
veggies for tempura
tempura batter
fried tempura veggies and tofu