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Our World Of Mud And Tears

Due to my bout of morning grumpiness, I wound up missing my photographer friend Katie on MPR’s midmorning at 10:15am today. Doh. My mood did improve, though, after consuming some ibuprofen and coffee, taking a nice long soak in the tub, and spending some quality time cooking. There were a number of food items in the fridge on the verge of going bad. The granny smith apples that no one was eating made a good batch of applesauce. Later I may use that in the applesauce spice cake recipe I haven’t made in a while (with maple frosting). The broccoli that was starting to sag was thrown in with a tasty tofu potato hash for lunch. And while that was cooking I popped some brussels sprouts in the oven (roasted with a little olive oil, salt and pepper) to be eaten later with dinner. Now that I’m feeling better I may just push myself back over the edge by taking the little man to the Children’s Museum. The poor boy needs to burn off some of his excess energy, without worrying about destroying everything in the house, and incurring mommy’s wrath in the process. Well, not wrath, per se, but extreme irritation. Thankfully the husband is going along to assist.