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Are You Dandy?

Forgotten now what led me there (perhaps something to do with robots or Macworld), but I stumbled across a former co-worker’s professional-ish site…which led to a link to his new personal-ish site. Haven’t seen the man in ages (not since he flew in to town to go curling with folks from the home office early last year) but I was always impressed by the amount of energy and enthusiasm he applied to, well, whatever it was he was doing. Which is why he’s still a mover and a shaker in the corporate world. As an at-home mom I find that I’m often moved, and shaken, but it’s a different sort of thing. Anyhow, it was good to find his motivation isn’t flagging. He set himself up with an insane yet admirable task, and followed through with it:
“what would it look like taking 1 picture, every 30 minutes, every hour, for 24 hours, 7 days a week, for 3 weeks, no matter what. click here to view.”
Ah, so that’s what it would look like. If you were Phil…and traveling in Singapore, Shanghai and Tokyo. If you look beyond all the urinals and hotel bathrobes, there are a number of great shots worth checking out. Enjoy.

self-portrait taken by Phillip M. Torrone