So much territory to cover. This post will be unusually jam-packed, with distractions I have amassed over the last few days. I’ve given up countless hours undertaking grueling, um, research…so you don’t have to. See how much I love you?
1. Fussy’s speaking for both of us when she says:
I don’t have a New Year’s resolution, apart from the usual “try not to be such a bitch” and “think before you once again say something completely inappropriate.”
2. TV on the Radio did that cover of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs Modern Romance and it’s been stuck in my head. On repeat. All day. For two days.
3. In the past couple of days I’ve seen more than one weblog employing the term “mook”. There’s the usage, as a noun. But I especially enjoyed afrojet’s action word version:
It was definitely a “one up” type of contest where the most ridiculous or terrible products were the first victims and one tried to mook larger and larger items before collapsing with laughter or getting caught. Once a clerk saw my friend D. with both hands in a bin of Peeps but it was as if he had the force and she could’t[sic] process the reality of a grown man smashing colored marshmallow birds out of spite so she just didn’t react at all.
Man, I woulda loved to have witnessed that.
4. Mimi Smartypants. Was going to highlight just one bullet point of this entry, but I have equal amounts of lovage for every single one.
5. On robot love. My Hillary-worship shall continue. Just look at the robot. That she created. Out of thin air (and some fabric and stuff). I’m swooning.
6. Looking through Hillary’s comments I came across the also amazing Lizette Greco who “creates sewn art and artifacts” based on the drawings made by her kids. I’ve incorporated the little man’s artwork into collages and cards, but never anything so elaborate. Though some day I will write the tale of The Grumpy Tadpole, I swear.
7. I don’t know how I managed to miss Moorishgirl all this time. It took the landing of her book deal for me to stumble upon her site.
8. On ebbing and flowing. My flickr-ing infatuation continues, with an unexpected side effect. I’ve come across photos from at least two folks whose blogs I used to read semi-regularly, then drifted away from. They would be Orbyn and Boudist. And I’ve officially drifted back.
9. Today I splurged. Some more (this, after getting a new computer, and the new monitor, which arrived today just after the temporary replacement finally choked and died). I am nothing if not highly skilled at the hemorrhaging of money. I went to National Camera Exchange, just to take a gander at the goods. As I knew from past experience, they jack up their prices to a ridiculous degree (but the Olympus site itself is even worse). There was one wide angle lens they were asking $179 for, when it’s online everywhere for around $120. So I had myself a look-see, asked a few questions, then went home to shop online for the digital SLR accessories of my dreams. I bagged a few. This 0.8x wide angle lens (nabbed their only used one, for just $99) and this macro lens. Now I’m going to need a bigger camera bag to carry these items in. I’m seriously considering one of these, but in Earth, Wind, Fire or Sea?
10. On media convergence in the 21st century. We are intentionally without cable. The one television we have is used mainly in conjunction with the PS2 or VCR. Those electronics will only function if the tv is set to channel 3 or 4, but the remote control just died (and the buttons on the tv itself are useless). The PS2 was easily relocated to the computer room. But the VCR? The husband and I don’t really use it. The little man is the only affected member of the household. Of his love for VHS tapes the husband quipped, “well, he’s from another time”. He was born in 1999, after all.
11. This auction reminded me of an extra scene that was cut from High Fidelity (with Beverly D’Angelo as the Too Tan Woman). I guess you’d have to see it.
Bonus: A longer Batman Begins trailer is now available. Squee!
Plus: Unsurprising to no one, least of all to me, I am hopelessly out of touch with what’s on the minds of many Americans. I had no idea it was splitsville for Brad-and-Jen until Dooce mentioned it. At least I know who Brad and Jen are, I guess.
And: From Zophia:
“oh, and would you minds since you are so in tune with the intarweb to let it know that i am a girl and i do not need any more penis enlargement emails thank you very much.”
Intarweb, consider yourself told.