Nothing too exciting to report. Had a quiet Sunday, the first in quite a while. Spent the morning perusing the New York Times. Was particularly keen on the following articles: Some Younger U.S. Arabs Reassert Ethnicity; Japan’s Lost and Found Culture; and Pictures from The Hotel Armageddon. On my regular web rounds I found Rebecky and Tremble contemplating dog ownership (even after reading their entertaining accounts the idea appeals to me not a whit…especially after what happened to Adda. I haven’t yet brought myself to look upon the cake photo, and I highly doubt I will. Ew.). Later in the day I took the little man outside…as puffy white snowflakes were drifting to the ground. Sadly there wasn’t enough accumulation to strengthen our sledding run, but I’m not ready to shell out for a snow machine just yet. Mother nature may come through for us after all, possibly around midweek.