So much to say. Attention span too short to say it. But that won’t stop me from trying. First, consider the following cautionary tale. There’s a reason I usually pay trained professionals to dye my hair for me. Still, every few years I foolishly feel the need to remind myself. Recently I picked up a bottle of Special Effects at St. Sabrina’s. The rationale being that it would be cheaper than going to the salon, with the bonus that I wouldn’t have to arrange for a little man watcher, as I could do the deed myself after his bedtime. Yeah. When I’m completely exhausted. And I’m not terribly coordinated to begin with. Naturally there were some not-so-special effects resulting from my DIY dye job. “Cherry Bomb” is right. It asploded all over everything, and took about half a gallon of bleach to clean up. And the husband woke up and caught sight of me while I was waiting for the dye to take. I was topless, save for a clear vinyl smock. He said I looked like I had “some kind of sci-fi strip joint thing going on”. Though not quite like Zhora in Blade Runner. My top was borrowed from the little man, and emblazoned with the word “artist” on the back. Hott. When I finally washed the dye out of my hair and cleaned myself up, the red water streaming over my body and down the drain was straight out of Carrie (as an aside, check out this gem showing a very young, exceptionally scrawny Sissy Spacek). My advice? Do not try this at home…unless you are more competent at this sort of thing than I am, which wouldn’t be terribly hard.

I must seem hair-obsessed lately. Hopefully this will be the last of it. Via this photo (on flickr, of course) I came across two other folks’ hair histories. Fabulous stuff. And now for the non-hair non-flickr-related randomness that has caught my fancy in the last couple of days:
- “Rescued by Stephen King” (longtime writer Ron McLarty finally sees print)
- I’ve been a longtime fan of Veer, and the wallpaper they create, in general, but only recently noticed this one in particular, which ties in nicely with my site’s theme(s)
- “Quotes Taken From the Directions and Mission Statements of Organic Products Belonging to My Vegan Roommate“
- Some unlikely-as-hell silliness - “Who says dead languages are useless?“
- “Accumulation” - Katamari Damacy as a metaphor for blogging.
Another bonus: I’m loving Lala’s Holga Gallery, made with SimpleViewer.
Plus: lists our current conditions as “fair”, though it is 0°F, with the windchill making it feel like 21°F. Gotta love Minnesota. Or not.