Well, it happened again. Yesterday the little man’s paternal grandmother called up, out of the blue, for an impromptu overnight. I’m not complaining. It’s just that it feels like some bizarro world version of The Amazing Race, where I need to run all over town to attain certain objectives, packing in as much non-child friendly activity as possible to win the prize (which would be what? enjoyment? fulfillment? exhaustion? arrest? or all of the above). Yesterday was a fine example of this. After relinquishing the lad in the afternoon, I had some quality alone time. At Ax-man Surplus. Walking in, it’s overstimulation central. I love it. Bins and barrels full of weird stuff I don’t strictly need. Discontinued dancing shoes (originally $42, 20+ years ago, now just $2.95/pair), not-so-gently used bowling pins, disembodied bear and baby doll heads, Star Trek trivia box tins (empty), gizmos, gadgets, widgets and more. Since the boys weren’t with me I was able to spend a good hour there, leisurely strolling through the aisles, poking and prodding and admiring. I’d planned to run errands afterwards, but that would have been such a buzzkill. Instead I headed home to read for a bit, until it was time to step out with the husband (something which hasn’t happened in months). We followed a Predictable Formula for Fun©. Picked up Dave and Huey-Ling, went to Evergreen for a fine meal (I’ve especially enjoyed the Hakka Stir-fry lately, not on the menu but usually on the “Specials” board), followed by a movie of the husband’s choosing (he gets out less often than I do). And it was a good time. But it’s never quite enough. I found out, after the fact, that I could have been at the Kitty Kat Club last night (via Lorika) to see The Owls, who I adore, along with chanteuse Stephanie Winter, who was a member of The Legendary Jim Ruiz Group. I wish I had an evil twin.
Bonus: Blink and you could miss ‘the power of thinking without thinking‘ (I heard a snippet of an interview with him on NPR the other night)
Plus: Childhood Pictures of Rock Stars (via afrojet)
And: Ack, this is disturbing - ‘Star Wars Toys Jump the Shark‘