Not much could get me out in this dangerously cold weather, but misery loves company. The lovely ladies (including San Francisco satellite member Maria, who is in town through tomorrow evening) wanted to meet up at Anodyne Coffeehouse, on their side of town. The car didn’t get warmed up until we were just blocks away…and I arrived so sleep-deprived that my left eye wouldn’t stop twitching. Turns out the ladies were just as badly off. One of ‘em had gone on a round trip to Chicago yesterday and gotten home, and to bed around 4:30am. But neither rain, sleet, snow nor sleep deprivation will keep us from socializing. Though I am worried that my social skills are slipping. Because I spend the bulk of my time with a four year-old, I find myself saying things like “no! don’t. stop! nuh-uh” and “please don’t sit on the cat” all too often…and am afraid my conversational abilities are waning. When I do get to hang out with other adults I wonder, after the fact, if I’d been repeating myself, talking over them, and/or nagging them too much. Just this morning Alison walked into the coffeehouse without a hat on, and I was instinctually all over her about it. This doesn’t bode well for my job search. If I do manage to score an interview (for the ever-elusive “perfect” part-time job), I fear I’ll default to naggy mom mode, come off sounding like a petulant pre-schooler, or bust out with random Ralph-style non sequitirs, like “my cat’s breath smells like cat food”. Well, it does.