It’s all bonus material today.
- Calling all geeks: your participation would be greatly appreciated in the SF Reading Habits Survey, whose results will “provide material for a book called (provisionally), The Inter-Galactic Playground of Children’s Science Fiction to be published by McFarland Press” (via Neil Gaiman).
- The previous should be of special interest to the proprietor of my favorite private library, who has started a book blog…which ought to give me a sneak peek at books I’ll eventually be borrowing.
- This is bizarre. Harrison Ford is in a low-budget half-documentary, half-comedy snowboarding video, credited only as “Jethro the Bus Driver”. It also features one of his sons (I have no idea what convoluted path led me to it today).
- I’m a touch worried about my dear Zophia. Recently she was (understandably) freaked out by the dead mouse in her apartment, so I don’t know how she’s going to deal…with the human cadaver class she started at school today. That totally creeps me out.
- On a happier note, the little man came home from his school today with a permission slip for the next class field trip. We’re going bowling! I’m so stoked. If only it weren’t weeks away. Something to look forward to, I guess.
- I’m sure everyone’s linking to this, but I couldn’t help myself. Dig these slinky photos of Bill Gates from Teen Beat, circa 1984 (via Boing Boing).
- The husband’s been on a Cat Power kick, but he’s not at all fueled by my Arcade Fire.
- On the flickr front, I came across this vegan food porn gallery, just after Dave mentioned he ordered some premium vegan fudge online. Now everything we have on hand seems somehow sub-par. Sigh.
And lastly, after the little man left for school this morning I headed to the salon. For a corrective color and cut (I had to do something after last week’s DIY dye job disaster). And boy howdy, did they ever done fix it good.