Yesterday’s accomplishments included, but were not limited to:
- Inviting a new friend out to meet some of my old ones (but only one of those showed up, due to widespread flu and PMS problems).
- Inexpertly creating my first quilt square, for a good cause.
- Obtaining a ticket to next month’s Low show (thanks to a friend[*], who did the footwork).
- Buying new socks for the little man to replace those that have suddenly gone all swiss cheese on me.
- Momentarily freaking out when I thought Elmo said “glock rhymes with sock” (which it does, but that’s not the point). Looking over at the other computer, the one the little man was in front of, I saw a drawing of a door, so I’m guessing he was really saying “lock” rhymes with sock.
- Replacing buttons on an old favorite coat.
- Rolling the garbage bin to the curb for trash day.
- Falling further into the depths of my flickr fascination.
- Having a fake orgasm. The drink.

That which did not get done:
- Sending my child to school, as my insomnia seems to be contagious. The lad didn’t sleep at all well the night before. He woke several times, and wound up tossing and turning in my bed. Eventually he fell asleep and I didn’t have the heart to wake him up before the school bus arrived. Doh.
- Client work (hangs head in shame).
- Cleaning the filthy kitchen and/or making any meals for the husband.
- Restocking of our Powerpuff Girls bandaid supply (couldn’t find any, but we made do with Spiderman, Spongebob and Hello Kitty bandaids).
- Putting together a mix CD for a pen pal, of sorts. Though I have been compiling a track list, in my head.
[*] There’s more to my friend’s story. He headed over to St. Sabrina’s to purchase our Low tickets, but also intended to pick up another ticket, for the Queensryche show. Alas, these were all sold out already. All over town. In a panic he took action. A $22 show turned into a $160 one when he turned to an, uh, alternate distribution outlet (a scalping site of some sort).
Bonus: I wouldn’t mind being in D.C. tonight, for the Punk Rock Counter-Inaugural Ball. A band with the best scrabble-related name headlines.
Plus: “A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies…”
And: Shipping soon.