My nerves are shot. Within the span of ten minutes today I found out about a) a potential part-time job, and b) potential problems with my child. A couple of weeks ago I took the little man in to be screened for speech therapy, at the St. Paul Public Schools district office. It was determined that his case warranted a certain amount of follow-up. Last week not one but two behavioral psychologists showed up at our ECFE class, to observe the boy in action. I was a little self-conscious, belting out twinkle twinkle little star in front of them…but it wasn’t about me. Unfortunately the professionals (who the husband and I have dubbed “The A-Team“) pulled a hit and run…leaving before I could have a word with them. One of them finally called today, but she didn’t have time to go in depth. She made vague statements about a mixed profile, sensory integration issues, and language processing problems…making it sound like we were discussing a piece of hardware, or a software bug, instead of my darling son. Apparently a search has already begun, looking for a special education classroom with an opening. I find this all a little alarming. Allegedly I will receive more information early next week. Until then I’m just going to have to think happy thoughts, get some extra hugs from the little man, and listen to some old Sesame Street songs. Oh, and apply for that job that I may have a slight chance of getting…an interview for. What, me worry? Never.