Finding myself in the grips of another bout of wanderlust…which will go unfulfilled, I’m sure. This time I have Neil Gaiman to blame.

He pointed out a few of his favorite places in London, including the gloriously gothic looking St. Pancras Station. Several years back I had a week to wander around London on my own, which was lovely, but I think I’m due for a return trip. Sure, there are other destinations I haven’t been to that I would like to visit, but I’m in the mood for a place that is somewhat familiar…but with much still unseen. Plus London happens to be a vegan paradise. Sadly we are seriously broke, so all I can do is amuse myself by planning an imaginary trip. We’d go in May, the weekend of the Covent Garden May Fayre and Puppet Festival. The little man would no doubt enjoy that. I even found us a reasonably priced little B&B. You’d think with an imaginary trip I’d shoot for something a little more upscale, but it isn’t in my nature. Besides, the well-reviewed Jesmond Dene Hotel isn’t far from The British Museum or the Camden Town area, two places I didn’t make it to last time. I have a whole list of stops in my head, but I’d be content to wander around just a little and take it easy with the little man. I’m totally itching to take the lad on his first airplane ride (even with the further encroachment of our privacy rights). Alas, I doubt it will be happening any time soon. But a girl can dream, right?