Time for some frivolous fashion reporting. This morning Allison Woo tipped me off that the Golden Globes happened last night. Like her I was happy to hear the good news about RoTK. But I just lost part of my life that I’ll never get back…after being sucked into imdb’s red carpet gallery. Overwhelmingly my main thoughts were Who are these people? Why are their dresses so dreadful? and Why do they have such bad bad hair? Most must be teevee folks, but after looking some up I wasn’t any more enlightened. And many of the better known celebrities just looked exhausted and old, despite their spendy longevity treatments. For some celebrity specific observations:
- Molly Sims, whoever she is, looks like Vanna White.
- Gwen Stefani appeared alien-like with her eggshaped updo.
- Elijah looked more like an elf than a hobbit.
- Carson Kressley came off creepy and greasy looking.
- And, sorry folks, I adore Scarlet Johannson just as much as you do…but she looked just plain strange last night. So there.
Now for happier news. Despite his lingering cough and cold, the little man has been safely landing Flight 0126…over and over again. The Playmobil toys never seem to lose their appeal. No complaints here.