February has, inadvertently, become the month of little man photos. Well, every month is to an extent, but this one more so than others. I’m guessing it’s because the separation anxiety is kicking in. Monday he’s slated to start afternoon pre-school, and I may or may not start a part-time job the very same day. I interview for the position tomorrow, and that’s a whole ‘nother kind of anxiety. And while the hours, location, and duties are perfect…the pay could be better. Naturally. At any rate, yawl have borne witness to my habit…of frequently photographing my son over the years. But I have actually photographed other subjects. One of my all-time favorite macro shots was posted at Lalaland the other day. And it turns out I’m not the only slacker when it comes to holiday photos…but I’m going to get into gear. Rebecky posted hers today. So here we go with mine, though they may be less exciting (and yes, there are little man photos included, but just a few). Click here or on the photo below to launch the gallery.