It’s been a day of creation, and a certain amount of destruction, around these parts. The boys built miniature snowmen on the front steps. I enjoyed the extra fine weather for a while, but spent most of my time indoors…getting high off glue fumes. Unintentionally, of course. I’d gotten my friend a couple smallish presents for her birthday (celebration to occur later this evening), but wanted to create an additional one for her. Inspiration struck this morning, leading me to Michael’s (the arts and crafts store) early in the day. That is one dangerous store. I found myself picking up a number of items that caught my fancy. But then had to force myself to return them to their shelves, thus leaving with just the items on my list…more or less, I couldn’t pass up the fancy little tin box with individual compartments, perfect for the finished magnets. Back at the ranch I dug out way old issues of Giant Robot, Bust, Wired and Paper magazines (the Adrien Brody edition, *swoon*) and set about cutting little bits out of them. First to create the birthday card, then for the magnet making. It was my first go at this, so I hope she won’t be terribly disappointed. The marble pieces weren’t quite as round as they should be, and the artwork I picked out might be a little on the goofy side. But that’s to be expected, coming from me, after all.