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Won’t You Be My Neighbor

I knew it was coming, but the snow still took me by surprise. Then again, I’m easily startled. Yesterday morning I was coming back in to the house (after an exciting adventure of taking out the trash) when I jumped back about a foot…upon catching my reflection in the patio door. Yes, for a fleeting moment I thought there was some stranger lurking in my kitchen…who happened to look a lot like me. I hadn’t had my coffee yet, all right? But today I looked out the patio door to find that the ugly (muddy melting mess) had been hidden by a fresh coat of puffy white snow. Maybe it will inspire more folks to move into the neighborhood. I’ve noticed there are half a dozen houses for sale within a few blocks of us, starting with the brand new monstrosity that was erected next door…and the house directly behind it which has recently been remodeled. The winter wonderland look must be far more appealing to buyers than the halfway decomposed detritus look the area has been sporting lately. The fresh as the driven snow thing is lovely and all, but the timing couldn’t be worse…with the bus strike just getting into gear. I had been contemplating a commute that would have me walking to and from work, rather than making my boys play chauffeur. But maybe I’ll wait until next week.