Like many of my countrypeople, I dreaded going back to the office today…even though I only work there part-time. Soon enough my four hour sentence was up, but when I departed I realized I’d neglected to bring an umbrella along. I found myself dashing to the bus stop, seeking shelter from the cold rain, only to become soaked a few blocks after hopping off the bus while trudging home. It was some comfort, then, to walk in the front door and be greeted by a beautiful little man, eager to show me the butterfly he made at school today. And by the husband, who had prepared a batch of bbq tofu that was half-baked upon my return. Later on, while happily consuming said dinner (late lunch?) I wasn’t too dismayed when the doorbell interrupted my meal…as it was the mail carrier delivering a delightful package to me, from the very thoughtful receptionista. With this gift she sent to me not one, but two pairs of vegan shoes, in my size. What could be more brilliant? I have the perfect dress to go with the sassy strappy red hott pair, and the flamingo pink flip flops are incredibly comfy (I’m wearing them right now). Thank you receptionista!