I haven’t gotten round to mentioning it yet, but I have given notice at the part-time job (my last day is Friday)…for a couple of compelling reasons. First and foremost, the little man’s summer school session ended, well, today. We didn’t have anything arranged to keep him occupied until school begins again in the Fall. That means six weeks or so of one on one time with my sweet boy, which will be wonderful, but there’s another reason I’m going to stay home. I can make a heckuvalot more money freelancing, and do so without the stinking dress code. That work won’t begin, in earnest, until the boy is safely back in school, giving me a quiet house for a few precious hours every day. Until then I’ve come up with the following list (as much for my reference as anything else) of activities to partake of with the little man:
We’ll kick things off with the Art Car Parade, this Saturday;
The same day will also see One Day in July (billed as a “Street Festival for the Working Class”);
At some point we’ll splurge on a Paddleford Boat Ride down the Mississippi;
There will be much splashing around at local wading pools;
Weekly story times at our local libraries;
A pediatric dental appointment (fun for everyone!);
Checking out the totally terrific treehouses at the Landscape Arboretum;
Crown Theaters totally free Children’s Film Festival (wish I could have had some influence over the programming);
A potential day trip to Kellogg, MN to ride Lark Toys’ one-of-a-kind hand-carved carousel;
The consumption of frozen food products like Izzy’s soy ice cream and Cool Fruits Fruit Juice Freezers;
Overseeing operations at the Twin City Model Railroad Museum;
A visit to the elusive Net Park, once I figure out where exactly it is;
Free Tuesdays at the Chutes and Ladders Play Area;
The usual goodness at the Children’s Museum;
Checking out the robot exhibit and the new mini-golf course at the Science Museum;
A trip or two Up North with the husband;
Play dates with friends and visits with family;
And finally, filling (and destroying) as many water balloons as possible.