This first week of summer vacation has been a busy one for the little man and I, but not in a particularly stressful way. I’m attempting to strike a balance between those things I want to do, and those I think I should do. It’s a work in progress, naturally, but I think I’m getting the hang of it. We kicked things off Monday afternoon by enjoying a leisurely ride down the Mississippi and visiting the Harriet Island playground afterwards.

Tuesday the little man had an afternoon visit with his paternal Grandparents and awesome Auntie D, which allowed me to fly solo for my inaugral visit to…IKEA. And boy howdy, am I ever glad I went alone. I saw other mothers dragging their screaming wee ones through the crowded store, and trying to keep them calm while waiting in the ridiculously long checkout lines. Still, I am glad I made the trek. I picked up a kickass dollhouse for the little man’s upcoming birthday, and I have my eye on a nice big boy bed for him as well (as he’s now head-to-toe in his teeny toddler bed). The whole ordeal lasted several hours, but I made up for the lost time by working through the night on freelance projects.

Wednesday was a quieter day, spent playing with Legos and enjoying some much-needed thundershowers. And chipping away at the unsexy stuff, like the nearly insurmountable amount of housework that had gone undone, or under-done, for so long. Took care of some laundry, washed some dishes, brushed the cats, swept, made a few decent meals, but there is still so much more to do.

Instead of tackling any of that on Thursday, however, we met up with an old friend of mine, and her kids, for the free Thursday morning movie at Block E. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas was better than I’d expected (expectations were low, despite Ebert’s glowing review). It was action-packed and visually interesting…and, well, free. The rest of the day I concentrated on carpal tunnel-inducing client work, with breaks for meals and playground visits. Today hasn’t been terribly productive, thus far. It’s nearly noon and I’m still in my pajamas, wondering where the morning’s gone and what the remainder of the day will have in store for us. Possibilities include a picnic lunch at the playground, and visiting various museums. This evening a friend’s band is playing at one, Minnesota Museum of American Art, a show I’d like to catch as much for the venue as the lineup. Overall the outlook for those things I should do, like housework, is not so good. But for the moment, that seems fair and balanced to me.