This evening’s outing was a mixed bag. As we prepared to depart for The Owls’ show it wasn’t the darkening skies I was worried about. First I noticed a squad car…then a sheriff’s car, both parked in front of my house. Looking up the street I spotted a K-9 patrol sweeping the neighborhood. After we got in the car, and cautiously cruised up the block, we encountered two fully loaded SWAT team units. I risked rolling down my window to inquire what the problem was (like David Sedaris I feel guilty, especially when I’m not, which probably makes me look much much guiltier). But the only information I was given for my trouble was that it was safe to proceed. That was a headscratcher. Should I be concerned? Are there flying demon monkey boys on the loose? I just don’t know. So we moved on. Rush hour traffic was refreshingly light (yes, dear husband, it was a Monday…in accordance with your traffic flow theory…of heavier traffic occurring later in the week). We arrived on the scene early and scored a killer parking spot. After a fair bit of playground time I dragged the little man over to the lawn directly in front of the stage. While waiting we threw caution to the wind, and treated ourselves to free frozen strawberry fruit bars (and were given Target promo seat cushions, that were actually pretty comfy). Though comprising of fairly natural ingredients, the fruit bar gave the little man a sugar high that transformed him into a force to be reckoned with. Well, even more so than usual. I kept one eye on him and his hyper antics, while the other was engaged in some people-watching. It’s odd to spot local folks and recognize them:
a) solely from their blog;
b) from seeing them around town for the past 17 years, without ever saying hi; or
c) from one brief meeting, where I knew a bit more about them than the reverse.
Thankfully my friend Angie happened along, with her little sister, and neither was embarrassed to sit with us. Or if they were, they did a brilliant job covering it up. We stayed for the entire set, but it was more like ambient music…as we made attempts to both restrain the little man, and to visit with one another. For The Owls’ next show I suspect I’ll be flying solo.