This morning I awoke to find my web site was down. I was able to access my email from that server, so I knew it was some sort of Apache problem. But there was no one to call. My gracious web host (and by gracious, I mean that he has hosted this site for free for nearly three years now) is currently vacationing in Taiwan. I shot him off a panicked email, but it would be over half a day before I received a response. Someone came to the door not long after that auspicious start to the day. It was a representative from Xcel Energy…informing us that our power would be temporarily turned off, sometime between 10am and noon, as they needed to do some sort of maintenance to the power lines behind our house. All morning I dreaded this, and kept thinking of electricity-powered tasks to take care of before the inevitable shutoff. I vacuumed. I started some laundry. I fired up the oven (to thrice-cook tofu that had already been fried twice). I turned the computer back on, even though it was supposed to be my day away from it (I try to alternate, for the little man’s sake…and for my right wrist, which has been very cranky as of late). But 10am came and went.
Then 11am.
Then noon.
Then 1pm.
Finally they had at it, to the dismay of the little man, who was in the middle of watching Charlotte’s Web. That I wasn’t too troubled by. Man, I hate that movie…and I don’t even know where it came from. Perhaps I’ll have to make it disappear one of these days. At any rate, power was restored before too long, but it was hours until my web service was. And now I’m too tired to post anything terribly coherent. Better luck next time, I hope.