All the news that’s fit to post. Well, the happier stuff, at any rate. The following tantalizing tidbits surfaced over the past week:
According to Whedonesque, the complete Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, seasons 1-7, will be released as a DVD box set in November. I’ve held out on buying any of the box sets released thus far, waiting for just such an eventuality. But one hundred and fifty pounds is too rich for my blood. Xmas present anyone?
Allegedly Jude Law is being considered for the role of Ian Curtis in an upcoming Joy Division biopic. One friend thinks the actor is too scruffy to play the part, but I know he cleans up real nice-like. Boy howdy.
I have tan lines on the tops of my feet from constantly wearing flip-flops.
Rarely do I miss anything about agency life, save for the foosball table, but my former employer is working on a project with Bruce Campbell, yes, THE Bruce Campbell, and it involves comic books. Guess I missed the boat with that one. Oh well.
The husband finally became a card-carrying member of the Free Software Foundation. The “card” in question is a cute little CD that contains a mini-distribution of GNU/Linux.
This Fall the Minneapolis Institute of Arts will be exhibiting political art made by local residents:
“Art of Democracy: Tools of Persuasion” is an open call for Minnesota artists to express their political opinions through original works of art in an exhibition coinciding with the 2004 presidential election.
Cathy, Chuck and Lorika, among others, are planning to contribute to it. Hopefully I’ll be able to pull something together by the deadline.
And lastly, my son surprised me the other day…by perfectly replicating Robert Smith’s signature squeal as I was listening to The Cure.