Delia Jane has come to a decision. Just as she was going into her third round of interviews for the Congo gig…she was offered the teaching job in Chicago. She chose Chicago. While I’m relieved that she’ll be staying relatively nearby, it’s all happening so fast. As in she’s leaving tomorrow, and has to have lesson plans ready for Monday. So last night we gave her a hastily organized send-off at Galactic Pizza (just try to keep the Beastie Boys’ Intergalactic from getting stuck in your head while eating there). I’d been hearing good things about the place, and there was the almost embarrassingly favorable City Pages review, but last night was my first time experiencing the magic for myself. And oh my. The vegan cheese actually melts, and tastes good. Our little group ordered two of their gourmet pizzas, The Alamo and The Paul Bunyan. Who knew wild rice on pizza could taste so good?