The stairs weren’t enough. This afternoon, after working one of his jobs, the husband decided to do some yard work…and I joined him. That was a first. Which was obvious, by the condition our yard was in when we started. I found myself ripping out weeds taller than I am (with root systems the size of small children). Over half of which were covered in burrs, many embedding themselves in my hair and clothing. And the husband got happy with a chainsaw, hacking up a half-dead bush that’s long been an eyesore. Next on the agenda, renting a clean up container to dispose of nasty carpet remnants and more. You may be getting the wrong impression…that suddenly we’re turning into the conscientious homeowners the neighbors have been hoping for. Alas, it’s just that the husband is on vacation this week (from one of his jobs, anyhow) so we’re trying to redirect any untapped energy into these overdue household projects. I’m curious to see how much we accomplish before time’s up. At least we’re off to a good start. And speaking of good starts…Chuck got the ball rolling for us over at New Patriot. Check back often.