There’s always too much going on these days. One not-to-be-missed event is the Twin Cities Book Festival happening Saturday in Minneapolis. The special sessons sound intriguing, especially the novel writing workshop with Chris Baty, founder of NaNoWriMo and author of No Plot? No Problem!: A High-Velocity, Low-Stress Way to Write a Novel in 30 Days. But the City Pages‘ Michael Tortorello admonishes: “Yeah, you’re going to have to give up some blogging time.” I’m not sure I can do that. It’s become publish or perish. Plus I’ve promised (myself) to write a piece for Mizna’s upcoming Mid-East in the Midwest open mike event, nervewracking though that might be.
In other news…the husband’s monitor died (after ten years of faithful service) just as he was looking at monitor prices. How ironical. Thankfully it came back long enough for me to watch House of Flying Daggers, which I enjoyed (mmmm, Takeshi) but opinion on IMDB’s message board varies wildly. Still, I’d like to see it on the big screen, when it’s released stateside on December 3rd. And not just a big monitor screen, though the husband’s replacement should be arriving soon.
Next week my lovely lady friends are planning our first girls’ night out in ages, but I doubt I will be able to attend. Sucks even more because they’re thinking about stopping by Psycho Suzi’s Motor Lounge, a place I’d been meaning to check out all summer, in support of the MN Rollergirls. That’s right, Minnesota now has an all-female roller derby league, and, if all goes well, Zophia will work up the gumption to try out.
And lastly, time for a product endorsement. Our co-op started carrying Dagoba vegan-friendly, fair trade certified, organic chocolate products (that’s a mouthful). When I saw the name my first thought was of Yoda’s temperate and humid swamp world, but there’s an extra “h” on the end. After tasting Dagoba’s dark chocolate all thoughts of Yoda were pushed aside, while I contemplated my next fix. And now I’ve got the little man hooked on their hot chocolate too. Oh, the shame of it all.