Yesterday we were granted another fine Fall day. That made for two days, in a row, of bright blue sky (the weeks of dreary gray had been getting me down). When we weren’t outside I persuaded the husband to make some snickerdoodles, and I whipped up a batch of curried squash wild rice soup. I know, it might sound sort of iffy, but it turned out pretty tasty. Sadly today it’s back to blah indefinitely. But all things bright and beautiful can be found on the internets. I plan to try my hand at more crafting and knitting (another lesson Zophia?) over the long winter. Speaking of which, somehow or other I stumbled upon Diva Muffin (the youngest spawn of Frank) Zappa’s site. Nice knitting, I thought, until the sticker shock hit. $275 for the hat, and $500 for the scarf. Yee-ouch!