Obviously we know what today’s big news is, but after the dust settles some folks will be noticing something else on the local front. First Avenue has closed its doors. And laid off all its employees. No word on what will be happening with shows scheduled for the near future (Robyn Hitchcock was slated to play there tomorrow night). I practically grew up at this fine institution, having gone to my first show there at age 14 (Agent Orange headlined, I still have the t-shirt somewhere) and making many friends through the scene. I wouldn’t have survived high school in the burbs without this outlet available to me. The Sunday afternoon all ages shows may have saved my life, or at least my sanity. And as an adult I continued my patronage, though less and less since becoming a mother. My last visit was in June, to see They Might Be Giants, who I had enjoyed there before. I could try to tick off all the great bands I’ve seen, both in the entry and the main room, but the list would be far too long. It could be the nostalgia speaking, but this strikes me as very sad news.
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